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Dhikuli near ramnagar was the winter capital of Katyuris Rulers
Which of the following risks is borne by the entrepreneur:
What is the time limit within which the public authority shall publish particulars of its organization, functions, duties, powers and duties of its off...
The entrepreneur who does not change the method of production already introduced is:
__ are activities that must be completed immediately prior to the start of another activity.
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: 'Diversification' means adding new lines of business.
Statement II: Differentiation mean...
Which of the following is not the quality of a good leader?
Which of the following provides services and advices to start-up firms:
Under the RTI Act, 2005 the Central Information Commission shall consist of which of the following_________
In regards to the differences between the entrepreneurial and administrative focuses which of the following is correct?
One of the following is not important in organizing