According to Taittiriya Brahman man is by himself only half-man and his second half is his wife (ardhangna). The Rig Veda itself speaks of the sanctity of the institution of marriage.
In a certain code language, 'ADVISORY' is written as 'BFYMRMOU', and 'CHAMPION' is written as 'DJDQOGLJ'. How will 'DESIGNER' be written in that language?
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly ...
In each of the number-pairs, the second number is obtained by performing a certain mathematical operation on the first number. Three of the following pa...
PRO 5' is related to 'OSQ 15' in a certain way. In the same way, 'OPO 10' is related to 'NQQ 30'. Which of the following is related to 'MAC 9' using the...
In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.
11, 17, 23, ?, 35
Statement: There is a large increase in migration of villagers to urban areas as repeated crop failure has put them into financial problems.
In a certain code language, 'LAMP' is coded as 'IWJL'. What is the code for 'LOGS' in that code language?
Mary is taller than Aayushi. Gunjan is taller than Aayushi but shorter than Shalini, who is taller than Mary. Who among them is the tallest?
In the word ‘PREPARATION’, if the consonants used are arranged in the alphabetical order from left to right, then which letter will come at the 4th ...
which word from the options given below can be formed using all the letters in the letter group AEEVIRCT.