On 20 September 2023, Lok Sabha passed the bill with 454 votes in favour and two against. The Rajya Sabha passed the bill unanimously with 214 votes in favour and none against, on 21 September 2023. President Murmu signed the bill on 28 September 2023, and the gazette notification was also published the same day, which made it clear that the reservation will come into force soon after the first delimitation (frozen until 2026).
Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D and E are in a jumbled order. Select the op...
Select the most appropriate sequence from the given options to make a meaningful paragraph from jumbled sentences.
A. It is because nowadays pe...
Which is the THIRD sentence of the paragraph?
1. We must recognize that politics
P. about the careers and fortunes
Q. citizens and not
R. and elections are about
S. the l...
In the following questions, the 1st and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6, The rest of the passage is split into four parts and name...
Directions: In the questions given below, a paragraph has been broken down into four sentences labeled (A), (B), (C) and (D) and arranged, not necessar...
P: From defence, energy, and environment to healthcare and civil applications
Q: And the upcoming National Quantum Mission
1. The shark was trained
P. existed between it
Q. to believe a barrier
R. so the bait fish swam
S. and the bait fis...
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- re-arrangement...
Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the passage?