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Udham Singh Nagar has the highest decadal percentage growth rate of population in Uttarakhand.
PFRDA in coordination with SEBI has enabled the NPS subscribers to view their pension fund corpus along with their demat securities and MF holdings unde...
What was the main objective of the Global Initiative on Digital Health launched by India and WHO at the G-20 summit in Gandhinagar?
The country has registered its highest-ever FDI inflows of $84.84 billion in which of the following FY?
Consider the following statements about ISRO's PraVaHa software:
I. PraVaHa was developed for initial aerodynamic design studies of aerospace veh...
Recently filmmaker K . P . Kumaran has been chosen for the prestigious J . C . Daniel Award for 2021 . The Award has been conferred by which state gover...
As per the latest FIFA rankings, what position does India hold in the men’s rankings, and which country is at the top?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will conduct a 14-day variable rate repo auction worth Rs _____ in February,2023.
When is World Autism Awareness Day celebrated annually?
Which of the following reasons prompted India to liberalize its economy?
I- high combined deficit of the central and state governments
What ambitious goal has Uttar Pradesh set in its green hydrogen policy by 2028?