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Out of the total population, 69.77% of the population lives in Urban areas and 30.23% lives in Rural areas. There are 18.76% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 2.89% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Uttarakhand.
Calculate Capital Gearing Ratio of the company?
When the financial statements "give a true and fair view" and the organization under audit has gone in accordance with all requirements, the auditor wil...
Fixed assets are held by business for __________
Read the following information to answer the below questions:
GK Ltd. forfeited 500 shares of Rs. 10 each, fully called up, and held by Mr. Rakesh for non-payment of allotment money of Rs. 4 per share and first and...
How much percentage of salary is allowed for exemption in House rent allowance Section 10(13A) in case of metro city?
Provisions of Section 64(1A) will not be applicable to any income of a minor child suffering from any disability specified under ________. In other word...
Section 28 to 44 D of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is related with:
Section 24 (a) prescribes the standard deduction from NAV of a sum equal to?
Who among the following can issue Certificate of Deposits to raise short term resources?