According to the data of the last census in 2020 by the state forest department, the state has 2026 adult elephants in comparison to the 2017 census when the numbers stood at 1839
Ramman, a religious festival characterized by its unique rituals and performances, is observed in which Indian state?
The union government has launched a program to achieve universal immunization. The name of the program is
Recently a Kashmiri film (entirely shot and produced in the valley) was released after 45 years. Name the film:
What was India's foreign exchange reserve as of September 27, 2024, making India the fourth country to surpass this milestone?
When is the World Olympic Day celebrated every year?
The 'Painjani' is classified as which type of musical instrument?
What dance is traditionally performed exclusively by women in Haryana?
In which Indian city was Asia’s first health research-related 'Pre-clinical Network Facility' under CEPI inaugurated?
Who is appointed as the next High Commissioner of India to the United Kingdom?
Which movement was the British journalist H.W. Nevinson associated with ?