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If the court finds that a person is holding office but is not entitled to hold that office, it issues the writ of quo warranto and restricts that person from acting as an office holder
When was the commercial cultivation of rubber initiated in India?
The male sex organs of the Bryophytes is called antheridiumand female sex organ called.................
What is the variation of elytra where the forewings of Hemipterans are partially membranous and partially hardened?
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Which of the following type of mouth parts present in Cockroach and grasshopper?
The success of 'green revolution' during 1960s was only possible due to the dwarfing gene. Dwarfing gene in rice is ……………………..
...KRITAGYA -A National level Hackathon, organized by ICAR with NAHEP and Crop Science division is majorly focused on____.
From soil microbiology view point, the most important role fungi play in soil is:
The bacterial disease, citrus greening is spread by _____ vector.
According to Barnard, a leader performs the following functions