The Union Cabinet has recently sanctioned an additional allocation of Rs 2500 crore to extend the Interest Equalisation Scheme until June 30, 2024. Launched on April 1, 2015, the scheme facilitates pre- and post-shipment export credit to exporters in rupees. Initially slated for a 5-year period ending on March 31, 2020, the scheme has seen continuous extensions, including a one-year prolongation amid the COVID-19 pandemic, along with subsequent extensions and fund allocations. The implementation of the scheme falls under the purview of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), administered through various Public and non-Public Sector banks providing pre- and post-shipment credit to exporters. Oversight of the scheme is a collaborative effort between the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and the RBI through a consultative mechanism.
What is the time limit set for the claim settlement process by IRDAI?
What is the value of the bond whose Face value is Rs.1000 having a coupon rate of 10% when the required rate of return is 14%?
Consumer Protection Act deals with:
when a company has declared that there will be a dividend in the future but has not yet paid it out, it is known as?
The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) came into existence in which year?
The 'Policy Document' in motor insurance is a legal document that:
Once an insurance company has paid up to the limit, it will pay no more during that year is known as?
The 'Insured Declared Value' (IDV) of a vehicle refers to its:
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited was incorporated with an authorised share capital of INR ______ billion.
Which among the following principle states about the Individual who should be benefitted from the insured item?