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Editors of Almora Akhbar (1871) 1. Buddhi Ballabh Pant 2. Munshi Indiaaz Ali 3. Jeeva Nand Joshi 4. Sadanand Sanwal 5. Vishnu Dutt Joshi 6. Badri Dutt Pandey
Giridar was at a temple and was facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction to collect a token, then another 180° in clockwise direction. He ...
Consider the given paragraph and decide which of the given assumptions in the options is implicit in the paragraph.
The school, which used to ...
A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
OP, ON, MN, ML, ?
if RAILWAY is coded as 24–7–15–18–29–7–31 then how will you code STATION?
In A CERTAIN Code language, ‘bike roads highways cars’ is written as ‘od lk sk jk’. ‘jeep scooter highways bus’ is written as ‘mj jk dn ho...
The following contains pairs of words which are related to each other in a certain way. Three of the following four word pairs are alike because they ha...
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Senior secondary school
...B's mother is the daughter of F. C is the son of F and D. G is the son of C and E. D is the mother of R. How is F related to G?
In a certain code language, ‘FRIGHT’ is written as ‘FOCQED’ and ‘SHREDS’ is written as ‘OEPPAB’. How will ‘UPSETS’ be written in tha...