Dhuner (Taxus Wallichiana) plant in Uttarakhand is a source of the chemical "Taxol," used in cancer treatment
What is rate of interest percent per annum?
A. The amount becomes Rs.75,712 at compound interest after 2 years.
Three individuals, 'A', 'B', and 'C', are employed to complete a task. How many days will it take for 'A', 'B', and 'C' to finish...
Determine the time taken by a pipe R to empty a water tank.
Statement I: Pipe P and pipe Q can fill a water tank in 6 ho...
What is the yearly salary of Mr. Rohan?
Statement I: Sohan earns Rs. 44000 more than Mohan in a year who earns Rs. 16000 more than Rohan per ann...
There are 7 people in a group. Average age of the group decreases by 5 when two more people join the group. Find the average age of the new group.
<...Find the rate of interest per annum? Statement I . The CI in 12 years is more than the amount. Statement II . The difference between SI and CI in 3 ...
The question consists of two statements numbered “I and II” given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are suffi...
The difference between the two digits of a two – digit number is 6. What is the number?
I. The digit at unit place is bigger than the ten&r...
What is the distance between two points A and B (in km)? Which of the following statement (s) is sufficient to give the answer:
I. Travelling at ...
What is the total profit earned by two partners, A and B, in a business?
Statement I: A and B started a business by investing Rs. 50,000 and Rs. ...