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Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF) was established to protect the tigers of Corbett National Park, in the year 2013
Rajiv, Sanju and Tanu started a business with the investment of Rs. (z-400), (z-1000) and (z+200) respectively. After four months, Rajiv decreased his i...
A started a business with an investment of Rs. 1000. After some months, B joins the business with an investment of Rs.3000 and after two more months C j...
In a business, A invested Rs. 1200 more than that by B. After 8 months, A left the business. If at the end of the year, profit earned by B is equal to t...
‘A’ and ‘B’ invested Rs. 4000 and Rs. 2000, respectively in a business, together. After 7 months, ‘A’ withdrew 20% of his initial investment...
‘A’ invested Rs. 7800 for ‘x’ months while ‘B’ invested Rs. 1300 less amount than ‘A’ for (x + 3) months...
The savings of I and J are the same. The difference between J's expenditure and the savings of I and J together equals 0. J's income is Rs. 54,000, and ...
A and B started a retail store with initial investments in the ratio 8:9 and their annual profits were in the ratio 2:3. If A invested the money for 6 m...
A starts business with Rs.9000 and after 8 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit divided in the 4:5. What is B’s contributi...
In a business there are two partners ‘P’ and ‘Q’. ‘P’ started the business with the capital of Rs. 25000 and after 3 months ‘Q’ joined h...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 8,000, respectively. If 'A' and 'B' invested their investments for 9 months and 15 months,...