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In order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process, the Government of India has decided to celebrate January 25 every year as "National Voters' Day". It has been started from 25 January 2011 to mark the foundation day of Election Commission of India.
If in a certain code language
1. ‘nike ke pe’ means ‘where are you’.
2. ‘ke na ra da’ means ‘you can sit there’.
From the given options, select the alphanumeric group which will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series.
E4, H2, J10, M...
Answer the question given below on the basis of the given number and symbol series.
(left) 3 @ 2 $ $ # % 4 ^ * 6 @ 0 6 * % 2 £ 2 & 2 5 % 2 3 (...
When two dice are rolled the number of outcomes of getting the sum of the faces equal to 8 is?
A+B means A is father of B.
A-B means A is brother of B.
A*B means A is the mother of B.
A&B means A is sister of B.
Which o...
Identify the wrong number in the series given below.
22 120 338 724 1324 2192
If the following words are arranged according to their order in the English dictionary, which of the following words will come first?
1) Thefta...
Answer the question given below on the basis of the given number and symbol series.
(left) 2 5 # # $ 1 @ * 7 & % 4 & 5% 3 & 5 12 (right)
Five friends, K, J, I, H and G appear in an entrance examination and each of them gets different marks. J gets more marks than H but less than G. I gets...
Select the option which is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.
Frog : Amphibian :: Whale...