The correct answer is C
Who among the following person is the son of A?
C is the father of G, who is the grandson of R. W is the only daughter of R. R has only two children and only one of them is married. O is the mother-in...
U is the daughter in law of whom among the following
Who among the following person is the mother of N?
How is N related to the wife of S?
How is E related to D?
N is married to O. P is the daughter of N, who is the mother-in-law of Q. R is the son of Q. O has only one child. How is O related to Q?
In a family of six members, C is the daughter of U’s daughter only brother. E is the daughter-in-law of L, who is husband of U. Z is brother of B, the...
If brother of L is the husband of H’s son’s sister, then which of the following expression is true?
How is R related to S?