The world's first portable hospital, 'Aarogya Maitri Aid Cube', was unveiled recently in Gurugram. Designed indigenously under Project BHISHM (Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog Hita and Maitri), the modular trauma management and aid system is made up of 72 detachable mini-cubes, each being a specialized station for emergency response and humanitarian efforts. It contains medical equipment and supplies such as a mini-ICU, an operation theatre, cooking station, food, water, a power generator, blood test equipment, power generator, an X-ray machine, and more.
Computer programs are written in a high-level programming languages; however, the human-readable version of a program is called_____
How do you gracefully shut down a Linux-based operating system?
While __________, data transfers from the customers' machine to the server.
What technology largely replaced vacuum tubes in electronic devices?
Portrait and Landscape are __________:
From which panel you can insert Header and Footer in MS Word 2016?
The capacity of a CPU is measured.
Which of the following is a unit of digital storage equal to approximately one trillion bytes?
A_________ can either be malware or hardware. The main purpose of this malware is to record the keys pressed by a user on the keyboard.
SCSI stands for