State Bank of India (SBI) recently introduced the SBI Green Rupee Term Deposit (SGRTD) scheme to mobilize funds to support environment friendly initiatives and projects. It is an initiative of the State Bank of India (SBI) with the aim of raising money to finance environment-friendly projects. The deposit scheme is open to resident individuals, non-individuals, and non-resident Indian (NRI) customers. The current framework permits green deposits to be denominated in rupees only. It offers investors the flexibility to choose from three distinct tenors: 1,111 days, 1,777 days, and 2,222 days.
"The Great Hunger" also called the Irish Potato Famine occurred due to which disease in potato ?
Water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI) can be computed using the information on seasonal actual evapotranspiration (AET) and seasonal crop water r...
What is the recommended light intensity for Dendrobium orchid cultivation?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Synoptic weather forecasts are popular all over the World, because complex atmospheric equation...
The most suitable soil type for groundnut cultivation is _____
The term monopolistic competition means
A scheme in which the Center transfers an amount of Rs 6,000 per year, in three equal installments, directly into the bank accounts of all landholding f...
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Fungi and Bacteria usually enters the seed through:
Which of the following crop is incorrectly matched with its water requirement?