The National Girl Child Day is celebrated in India every year on January 24. The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India initiated this celebration in 2008.
Person P allocated 65% of the money he had between X and Y in a ratio of 6:7. Both Y and X invested the amounts they received in ...
From her overall earnings, Veena allocates Rs. 8000 to SIP. From the remaining salary, she allocates 10% to vegetables and 7.5% to transportation, which...
When the price of apples is decreased by 30%, a customer is able to purchase 5 additional apples with Rs. 140. Determine the original price per apple.
In a college, 72% of the student could cast their votes and none of the votes cast were invalid. Only two students were contesting the elections and the...
A number reduced by 33% becomes 335. What percent should it be increased so that it becomes 950?
Two numbers are respectively 30% and 50% more than a third number. First number is approximately how much percent less than the second number?
Out of the total number of players, 100/3 % are in hotel X and the remaining are in hotel Y. If 20 players from hotel Y are shifted to hotel X, then the...
The amount (in Rs) received at 10% per annum compound interest after 3 yrs is Rs 1,19,790. What was the principal?
If the student scores 27% of the marks, then he has failed by 186 marks. But if he scores 54% marks then he is passed by 246 marks. Find the passing per...
The length and breadth of a rectangle increased by 20% and 25%, respectively. By how much percentage will the area of the rectangle increase