The app cVIGIL is used by the Election Commission of India to allow citizens to report any violations of the model code of conduct, ensuring fair electoral practices.
Colostrum is
The bacteria responsible for oxidizing Fe2+ - Fe3+ (ferrous to ferric form) under acidic environment is_?
Where is the ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture located?
According to Lindeman’s law how much energy is lost while transfer from one to next trophic level ?
Which microbe is most commonly used in beverage industry to ferment malted cereals to produce ethanol (for the preparation of beer, rum etc.)?
An acute or chronic inflammation of the mammary gland caused by physical, chemical and biological agents chiefly of bovines usually affecting the secret...
Heavy infestation of which of the following causes poor ploughing performance?
Which measure involves cultivating erosion resisting and permitting crops in strips across the slope to break long slopes and prevent soil loss?
Visual aid of communication includes which of the following?
…………………………….is the prominent member of 1:1 type group in which one tetrahedral and one octahedral layer is present.