Vinay Kumar has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to Russia, representing India's interests in the important bilateral relationship with Russia.
What is the value of 1/15 + 1/35 + 1/63 + 1/99 + 1/143 ?
324² × 36 ÷ 18⁵ × 1120 =?
2856 ÷ 34 = ?% of 240
382+ 482+ 572= ? - (81x 49)
(√784 ×20+ √4225 ×14)/(√1764 ×5) = ?
[3/5 of (31 + 44) – 10] ÷ 7 = ?
22.5% of 300 + 32.5% of 4500 =?
(3333 ÷30) + (785 ÷25) + (2981 ÷11) = ?
25% of 1600 – 152 = ? × 5
If A = 0.84181818... then what will be the difference between the numerator and denominator of the lowest fraction form of A?