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The Outlook Planet Sustainability Summit & Awards 2024 was held in Goa. The event brought together policymakers and top management of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) to discuss sustainability initiatives. The summit was organized by Outlook Media Group, with BDO India as Awards Process Advisor and IIT Goa as Knowledge Partner. The event honored outstanding sustainability efforts, with REC Limited receiving the “Sustainability Champion—Editor’s Choice Award” and Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Limited receiving the Corporate Social Responsibility award in the Non-Fossil Fuel category.
The form in which Vitamin D occurs in foodof animal origin is called as:
The heat produced by respiration in fruit & vegetable is known as………
The flour improver used for improving dough quality is
The clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency are:
1.Bitot spots
2. Corneal Xerosis
3. Encephalopathy
4. Acrodermatitis enteropathica
An IMF is characterized by a moisture content of approximately…….and a water activity (aw) between……..
...In high-temperature short-time (HTST) method of pasteurization, milk is exposed to a temperature of
Which of the following statement not true about Thermophilic Anaerobic Spoilage
The microwave frequency used in food industry is:
The source of enzyme alpha- amylase is:
1. Yeast
2. Bacteria
3. Mold
4. Virus
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
a. Better the medium for growth for the microorganisms, more heat resistant are t...