Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Sanjay Seth launched the “GRSE Accelerated Innovation Nurturing Scheme (GAINS 2024)” in Kolkata on July 10, 2024. This scheme by Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) aims to address shipyard challenges and promote technology development through MSMEs and start-ups. Aligned with ‘Make in India’ and ‘Start-up India’ policies, GAINS 2024 fosters innovation to advance ship design and construction, supporting Atmanirbharta objectives.
In 1991, under the external sector reforms. Indian rupee______.
In a small open economy with a floating exchange rate, the supply of real money balances is fixed and a rise in government spending ______
Consider the following table
If the wage contracts gets better indexed with the prices, what will happen to the effect of unemployment on inflation?
Which of the following pairs is INCORRECT considering the constitutional provisions of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
When the value of d=2, in case of Durbin-Watson Test, what should be done with the null hypothesis?
Suppose your data produces the regression result y = 10 +3x. Scale y by multiplying observations by 0.9 and do not scale x. The new intercept and slope ...
In a multiple regression model, the Durbin-Watson test statistic is 1.3, while the critical lower and upper values are 1.5 and 1.7 respectively. This im...
For the growth of the Indian economy, which among the following should NOT be encouraged?
Which of the statement is TRUE considering the Central problems of an economy?