Who was elected as Iceland's President in 2024, becoming the second woman to hold this position?
Halla Tomasdottir was elected as the President of Iceland, becoming the second woman to hold this office after Vigdis Finnbogadottir. She took over from Guana Johannesson and is recognized for her business acumen and leadership in sustainability.
संज्ञा के गुण, रंग आकार बताने वाला विशेषण कहलाते हैं
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चरण कमल मृदु मंजु तिहारे। पंक्ति में अलंकार है -
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दिए गए शब्द के विलोम के लिए चार-चार विकल्प दिए गए हैं। उचित ...