The Kirti Chakra, awarded for valor and bravery, is made of silver, symbolizing honor and recognition for acts of courage.
The web enabled workflow based information system developed for the MIDH ?
What are the lines of equal rainfall in period is called
Deficiency of NITROGEN yellowing of leaf in a plant appears on __ ?
The presence of excess salt in the soil requires
…………………. is used as a prime mover for active tools and stationary farm operations
Which of the following is best suited as catch crop?
Frequencies of the classes are plotted by dots against the mid-points of each class and then the adjacent dots are connected by straight lines be called?
Proboscis in the mouthparts of the butterfly is formed from ____
Which of the following micronutrient fertilizers contains the highest percentage of zinc?
The yellowing of older leaves at the base of a plant typically indicates a deficiency of which nutrient?