The state of Tamil Nadu conducted a three-day survey of the Nilgiri Tahr, its state animal, under the supervision of IUCN. The survey aimed to better conserve this endangered species.
Which agency is responsible for the implementation of India's New Export Policy 2018?
For how many days in advance, weather forecasts are currently issued by IMD in DAMU project?
The harrow type suitable for hard and stony soils, featuring tough flexible teeth with a spring action is
Which fungal disease affects the seedling emergence from the soil in two phases, namely pre-emergence and post-emergence damping-off?
Covering the soil surface by any organic material is termed as ..........................?
Deficiency of which essential plant nutrient leads to ‘pop pod in groundnut’:
Imaginary lines connecting points of equal amount of rainfall are called as
Which of the following is an example of day – neutral plant?
The branch of agriculture which is concerned with cultivation, production, propagation and processing of fruits, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plan...
Pea, gulmohur, bean, Cassia have ___ type of symmetry and hance they are ____ flowers.