Ukraine introduced the world's first AI diplomat, "Victoria She," designed to officially represent the country. The AI diplomat is based on Ukrainian singer and TV personality Svitlana Loboda.
In each of the following giving number series, a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number?
46 23 23 34.5 70 172.5
...2304 6912 864 2592 322 972
552, 448, 380, 306, 240, 182
126 130 114 150 82 186 42
...6, 22, 76, 314, 1580, 9600
17, 21, 48, 64, 170
256 768 96 288 35 108
26, 38, 60, 110, 206, 398
5, 13, 41, 185, 1111, 8149
139, 152, 172, 205, 249, 304