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Ukraine introduced the world's first AI diplomat, "Victoria She," designed to officially represent the country. The AI diplomat is based on Ukrainian singer and TV personality Svitlana Loboda.
An amount of money is divided among L, M and N in the ratio of 2:3:6, respectively. If the amount received by N is Rs.6000 more than the amount received...
The ratio between two numbers is 6:7. If each number is increased by 9, the ratio between then become 9:10, find the difference between numbers.
The total number of students in a school is 20020. If the ratio of boys to the girls in the school is 73:81 respectively, then find the total number of ...
What number has to be added to each term of 2:5 to make the ratio 7:8?
Two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. After adding 3 and 5 to them respectively the ratio becomes 2:3. Find the bigger number.
The ratio of males and females in a zoo is 5:6 respectively and the percentage of children among males and the percentage of children among females are ...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 12:7. If 2 males joined the class and 8 females left the class, then the ratio of...
The ratio of the incomes of Vineet and Vidya is 5:2 respectively. Vineet saves 30% of his income while Vidya saves 20% of his income. The sum of their e...
In a class of 250 students, 150 are girls and remaining are boys. Among boys, the ratio of number of boys who are wearing caps to those who are not wear...
Consider two positive numbers that have a ratio of 5:7. If the combined total of their squares equals 1184, determine the sum of these two numbers.