Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, introduced the e-Sakshya, Nyaya Setu, Nyaya Shruti, and e-Summon applications in Chandigarh. These apps are integral to the new criminal laws, enhancing the Interoperable Criminal Justice System by improving evidence collection, court proceedings, and legal compliance.
Which of the following metals in pure form has the highest melting point?
Which organization has NPCI incorporated as a wholly-owned subsidiary?
In which language Ibnbatuta has written travelogue ‘Rihla’?
Which of the following is NOT a public sector insurance company?
Man Booker International Prize 2019: Jokha Alharthi wins for Celestial Bodies is related to which of the followingcountry ?
Which technology is primarily used to connect devices in a Local Area Network (LAN)?
In which Olympic sport did India not participate in the recent games?
Which of the following Fundamental Rights is not suspended when a Proclamation of Emergency in operation according to the Indian Constitution?
"Mysuru Dasara" is a grand celebration in the Indian state of ___________, featuring a royal procession, cultural events, and a display of decorated ele...
Who founded "Ramakrishna Mission" in 1897?