The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved the reappointment of M. Rajeshwar Rao as the Deputy Governor of the RBI for an additional year starting from 9th October 2024. Rao, who began his career at the RBI in 1984 and was elevated to Executive Director in 2016, first assumed the Deputy Governor role in October 2020.
Which smartphone company has recently made its first 5G call?
The ‘Ease of Doing Business Index’ is a ranking system established by which organisation?
Which of the following schemes is aimed at helping accelerate the uptake of broadband internet services?
Which of the following newly discovered gecko species was found in the Namdapha Tiger Reserve in Northeast India?
Recently, Japan successfully conducted a test-fire of what advanced technology from an offshore platform?
New Kwanza is the currency of which country?
The 2nd edition of joint military exercise “The Africa-India Field Training Exercise (AFINDEX-2023)” took place in?
Who is the author of the recently released Queen of Fire book?
___________ is going to acquire an additional 4.75 per cent equity share capital of Falcon Autotech Pvt Ltd, for a total consideration of approximatel...
What event did President Droupadi Murmu inaugurate at Kaziranga in Assam Recently?