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IIT Delhi has collaborated with the International Energy Agency (IEA) under a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance clean energy transitions. This partnership focuses on sharing insights related to energy policy and technological advancements to foster sustainable energy solutions. The IEA, based in Paris and established in 1974, plays a pivotal role in shaping global energy policies.
In a row of twelve persons are facing north how many person sits between W and N?
Statement I: Only two person sits between W and X. Only one p...
What is the code of ‘good morning’ in the certain code of language?
Statement I: In a certain code of language ‘all said good morning’ ...
Six persons, P through U are of different ages. Who is the oldest person?
Statement I: R is older than only U. S is older than P but younger than...
F is in which direction with respect to E?
I. B is to the east of C, who is to the south of D. E is to the southwest of D and F is to the east of...
How is CODE written in the code language?
I. In a certain code language, BOYS is written as TXPA
II. In a certain code language, SNOB...
Five persons T, U, V, W and X sit in a row facing north direction. Who among the following sits at extreme right end?
Statement I: T sits second ...
How is ‘oral’ written in a code language?
I. ‘ oral and written’ is written as ‘ ho jo ko’ in that code language.
II. ‘...
In which date of the month is Dheeraj’s birthday?
I. Dheeraj correctly remembers that his birthday is among 22,23,24,25.
II. Dheeraj...
J, K, L, M and N are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Who are the immediate neighbours of J?
I. J is third to the right of K, w...
Five persons R, S, T, U, and V have seminar on 1st day of five different months i.e., March, April, May, June, and July of year 2021 but not necessaril...