Nikita Porwal, hailing from Madhya Pradesh, was crowned Femina Miss India 2024 at the gala event held at Famous Studios in Mumbai. This edition marked the 60th anniversary of the pageant, showcasing talents from across the nation. Nikita, known for her earlier television hosting roles, was lauded for her poise and grace throughout the competition, continuing the legacy of the previous titleholder from Rajasthan.
The critical value of soil EC for germination of seed of crop is :-
Citrus canker is _____ disease.
Parasitic weed Striga lutea which mainly attacks sugarcane crop belongs to which category?
Mallika is the cross between
The IFOAM is the worldwide umbrella organization for the organic agriculture movement, which represents close to 800 affiliates in 117 countries. What d...
The Little leaf disease of brinjal (Solanum melongena) is caused by which of the following pathogens? This disease results in the appearance of smaller,...
The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area is known as
Which crop is commonly referred to as the "Camel Crop" due to its remarkable ability to endure prolonged drought conditions?
Global Positioning System helps farmers in which of the following task
FIRB method of planting is followed in which crop?