The 'Jal-Jagar Mahotsav' was launched in Chhattisgarh at the Ravishankar Reservoir in Gangrel Dam, Dhamtari. The event aims to raise awareness about water conservation and ensure sustainable water management in the state.
The average marks in geography exam of a class of 25 students are 64. If the marks of three students were misread as 44, 46 and 61 in lieu of the actual...
The average weight of 32 employees in an office is 38 kg, while the average weight of 6 managers overseeing these employees is 62 kg. If 12 employees an...
In an examination the average marks of Rohit is 55. If he got 15 more marks in science and 27 more marks in maths then his average would have been 62. F...
The average of n numbers is 65. If each of 54% of the numbers is increased by 15 and each of the remaining numbers is decreased by 10, then the new aver...
The average number of novels on historical, thriller and fantasy in a library is 160, and the average number of novels on historical and fantasy is 140....
The average mark obtained by 140 candidates in a certain examination is 50. If the average marks of passed candidates are 55 and that of the failed cand...
A football player scored 400 points in the first eight games of the season. Find the average points he must score in the next two games so that his aver...
In a factory of 40 labours, if the two labours left the job whose wages were Rs. 950 and Rs. 1050 and two new labours join the factory which results in ...
The average cost price of 15 pens (having equal cost price) decreased by Rs.3, when one of the pen is replaced by a new pen having cost price of Rs.50....
Ram scored an average of 5 goals per match in his first four games. However, he didn't score any goals in the following three matches. How many goals do...