The North Western Railway zone of Indian Railways has introduced the 'Rail Rakshak Dal' as part of a pilot project. The objective of this initiative is to improve safety measures and ensure faster response during train accidents and emergencies.
A product was initially marked up by 62.5% above its cost price. After being offered discounts of 10% and 15% successively, it sold for Rs. 1989. Determ...
A bought an article at 25% less of the marked price and sold it at 20% more than the marked price. Find the profit earned by him.
Find the cost of manufacturing each article if a manufacturer estimates that on inspection 22% of the articles he produces will be rejected. He a...
A multi-store outlet sold 1375 items in a week earning 25% gain. The gain is also equal to the selling price of ‘Q’ number of items. What is the val...
The combined cost price of two watches, 'P' and 'Q', amounts to Rs. 1,250. Watch 'P' is sold for a 20% profit, while watch 'Q' achieves an 18% profit. G...
Ratio of MP and SP of an article is 8:5 and the article is sold at 25% profit. Find cost price of article, if the selling price is 200 more than its CP?
An item is sold for Rs. 135 more when its profit margin is 20% compared to when it incurs a 40% loss. Determine the original cost price of this item.
A shopkeeper sells a badminton shuttle whose marked price is Rs 15, at a discount of 20% and gives a lollipop costing Rs 2.50 free with each shuttle. Ev...
The ratio of the cost price of an article to its selling price is 2:3. The marked price of the same item is Rs. 2,100 whereas the sum of the discount of...
'H' sells an article at a 20% profit. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs. 40 more, he would have gained 75%. Determine the cost price of...