The "Kaveri Meets Ganga" festival was organized in New Delhi as part of the Amrit Parampara series, with the Ministry of Culture as the organizing body. This festival, which ran from November 2 to 5, 2024, aimed to showcase India’s rich cultural diversity and brought together South Indian and North Indian classical music and dance performances. The event was jointly organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi, Kalakshetra, and CCRT.
If A and B are complementary angles, then the value of-
sin A cos B + cos A sin B – tan A tan B + sec 2
Simplify (cos20°+sin 20°) /(cos20°-sin20°)
Simplify: sin (A + B) sin (A - B)
What is the value of cosec30° sec30°?
The minimum value of 77 sin θ + 36cosθ is
If tan A = 4/3, 0 ≤ A ≤ 90°, then find the value of sec A.
(1 + tan²A) + (1+ 1 /tan²A)
[A] 1/ (sin²A-sin4 A)
[C] 1/ (cos2 A-sin4 A)
If Sinθ + Cosθ =√2 Cos(90 -θ ), then find the value of Cotθ ?
...tan 20˚ x tan 23˚ x tan 67˚ x tan 70˚ = ?