Space Kidz India, an aerospace start-up, recently launched the "ShakthiSAT" mission. The mission's goal is to train 12,000 girls from 108 countries in space technology, and ultimately develop a satellite that will be launched under ISRO's Chandrayaan-4 mission. The initiative, led by Dr. Srimathy Kisan, aims to create the world’s first lunar satellite built by young girls globally.
Name the first foreign bank to give Electronic Bank Guarantee platform in India.
The contribution made by each sector of the economy to GDP is called what?
What was the venue of the 1st Women's Premier League finals?
"Global Competitiveness Report" is released by which of the following organization?
Which of the following statements is/ are correct?
1. Budget Division of Department of Economic affairs prepares the budget
2. ...
Conrad Kongkal Sangma, the 12th and current Chief Minister of Meghalaya belongs to which political party?
Which of the following options is incorrect about “Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana”?
Which among the following country is known as the “Home of Collective Bargaining”?
Which one of the following is at the last position in terms of establishment-
The largest administrative division in the Vijayanagar empire was