The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to promote social, economic, and environmental development by 2030.
Which term refers to the average population level of an insect over a long period of time?
Balance shelf life means:
After tillage operations the Bulk density of tilled soil as compared to untilled soil
The recommended dose of fertilizers for rainfed maize in Alfisols is _______kg N/P2 O5 K2 O/ha
Rock phosphate used in which soil?
Which fact out of the following is not true about colostrum?
Radiation dose is defined as the:
The higher yield of C4 plants than C3 plants is due to:
Which one of the following is not the limitation for wide scale adoption of sprinkler method of irrigation?
White grub in maize can be controlled by