Under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) after its integration with the Gopabandhu Jan Arogya Yojana (GJAY) in Odisha, each family is provided with health coverage of ₹5 lakh per annum. This convergence aims to enhance the reach and effectiveness of healthcare services in the state.
Indian state “Kerala” recently launched an android App “Shaili”. Which one of the following is this App related to?
What was the GST rate imposed on car seats following the 54th GST Council meeting?
Recently President Joe Biden announced that the US is nominating whom to lead the World Bank?
In January 2022, the Centre decided to convert as many as 150 villages into 'Villages of Excellence' in 12 States with technical assistance from the __...
________ has entered into a strategic partnership with Zoho to accelerate the digital transformation of firms across the technology ecosystem.
What was the total annual gold purchase by the RBI in 2024?
From the following which is correct about RBI:
i. RBI was set up based on the recommendation of “Royal Commission on Indian Cu...
What is the name of Andhra Pradesh’s first seaplane service demonstration route?
Who is the author of the book "How the Earth Got Its Beauty"?
A new species of litter-dwelling jumping spider, ‘Habrocestum swaminathan,’ was recently discovered in which state?