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According to the UN's World Economic Situation and Prospects report, the Indian economy is projected to grow by 6.6% in 2025. The growth is driven by strong private consumption, investment, and infrastructure spending, with specific emphasis on manufacturing and services sectors.
Which is the largest International Financial Services Centres in Asia?
Which of the following SEBI regulations are concerned with the issue of securities?
The IFSCA Act shall be applicable to o the International Financial Services Centres set up under section 18 of the_______________________.
Which of the following statements is/are not correct in regards to Government’s Income?
1.Highest income of the government comes from borrowi...
IRDA has the power to frame the regulations under section ___of the Insurance Act. 1938.
Whose prior approval is required to be taken by the Authority under the IFSCA Act to establish offices at other places in India or outside India?
Which of the following statements is/are correct in regards to the Economic Survey of India?
1.It is mandatory for the government to present the ...
The data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), the indian economy grew at _____ between October and December 202...
What does the term "bullion" refer to?
What is the currency for conducting business by the banking units as per the IFSCA (Banking) Regulations, 2020?