
    What is the SI unit of G — the universal gravitation constant?

    A N kg / m² Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B N kg / m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C N m² Kg Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D N / m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    N m² kg-2 is the Sl unit of G-the universal gravitation constant. In the same way dimensions of 'G' can be calculated, which come out to be M-1 L3 T-2 (where M corresponds to mass, L to length, and T to time). • Gravitational constant: It is equal to the force of attraction between two bodies of unit mass separated by a unit distance. Its value is 6.67529 x 10-11 N m² kg-2. • Gravitational force: • It is the weakest of four fundamental force in nature. • Gravitation is a long-range force extending up to infinity. • Graviton is the exchange particle giving rise to the force of attraction.

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