If an object is pulled by holding it from both ends, then the force applied to it is called tension . Tension: It refers to the force transmitted when a rope, wire, cable or string is tethered by forces acting on opposite ends.
What is the interest rate of kisan Credit card after Interest Subvention Scheme
This millet is commonly used for making birdseed and as livestock feed, Scientific name of the millet is_______
The pheromone coated paper strips in the confusion technique are thrown over an area to
The division of population into two or more layers, each of which is relatively homogeneous and between which there are differences in opportunities, re...
Which species of wheat is not grown in India?
Seed germination depends on
To create informative content and engagement material, along with simple messaging asking citizens to be aware, be cognizant and be receptive to SNF (s...
Which of the following is the correct nucleotide pair in RNA
Among the following options, which weed is categorized as a total root parasite, meaning it relies entirely on its host plant's roots for nutrients and ...
White tail disease in freshwater prawn is caused by