Chikhal Kalo, a religious festival exclusive to the village of Marcel in Goa, is a rare combination of devotion and enjoyment. It occurs annually on the 11th day of the Hindu month of Ashadh, held within the expansive grounds of the Devki Krishna temple, mentions the website of Goa tourism department.
The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year is known as ……………………….
...Bacteria capable of living symbiotically with higher plants, usually in nodules on the root of legumes, from which they receive their energy and are cap...
Green manure crop, which produces nodules, both on stem and roots is
Photosynthetically active radiation (µm) is:
Which of the following agriculture commodity are to be known as Shri-Anna?
Most commonly used fungicide for seed treatment is:
Which cooperative bank acts as a link between state cooperative bank and primary agricultural cooperative Society?
Azolla – Anabaena is a symbiotic association of
White leghorn is a poultry breed famous for
The process of removal of lint from epidermal layer of the cotton seed is called as