India's Minister for Science & Technology Dr Jitendra Singh, who chaired the 9th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) for working towards a rightful place for BRICS in the Global Innovation Index.
An annuity due is an annuity in which the periodic payments are made at the beginning of each payments interval.
Which of the following is not a Credit Rating Agency
The 'Painjani' is classified as which type of musical instrument?
Which of the following is not a member of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Corporation)?
Who was the author of the book “Natyashastra”?
Telecom operator Bharti has recently acquired stake in
Which of the following is the only large river in the Indian desert?
The term ‘red herring’ is associated with –
In which states are rod puppet forms of puppetry predominantly found?
How frequently is the population census conducted in India?