International Council on the Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS): ICOMOS is global monument conservation body (non-government organisation) dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology and scientific techniques for the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage across the world. Hence statement 1 is not correct. • It is also an advisory body to UNESCO for cultural heritage, in particular for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Hence statement 2 is correct. • It was founded in 1965 in Warsaw (Poland) as a result of the Venice Charter of 1964. • It is headquartered in Paris, France. Hence statement 3 is correct.
Below are given a few sentences with their parts jumbled in a random order. Below the sentences are given possible rearrangements of the parts. You nee...
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A: The farmer climbed down from his seat and stood bes...
A. axe at his feet, spat angrily, and,
B. the woman flung down an
C. her lips, began to scold him
D. it with his axe cautiously
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A:"Impossible," said the people when they heard the co...
1. Every day, a Huntsman went to a forest near his village to hunt.
P. The Huntsman wanted to take some fish home.
Q. He also took his Dog...
1. The government of India has embarked
P. the people to choose their actual
Q. election in Jammu and Kashmir to allow
R. on a cons...
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- arrangement is...
Given below are six sentences 4 of which are jumbled. The first and the last sentence are given. Pick the option that gives the logically correct order...
1. Toto was a pretty monkey.
P. And his teeth, which were a pearly white, were very often displayed in a smile that frightened the life out of el...
A. feelings of insecurity and open up
B. to stop focusing on my
C. I sat there with my friends
D. it took a fire for me