The Rajya Sabha, or the Upper House of India's Parliament, is indeed a permanent body and does not dissolve, with onethird of its members retiring every two years. However, it does not have the same legislative powers as the Lok Sabha, particularly in financial matters like Money Bills where it can only recommend amendments, which the Lok Sabha may accept or reject.
Which of the following is a characteristic of participative or democratic leaders?
What is the characteristic of an autocratic leader?
The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is -
Why is autocratic leadership less likely to be effective according to the passage?
Which of the following is the correct definition of leadership?
What is motivation in emotional intelligence?
The Situational Leadership Model is a model developed by?
What is the changing step in Lewin's change model?
What is the characteristic of bureaucratic leadership style?
What is the refreezing step in Lewin's change model?