The Speaker Pro Tem is appointed by the President of India to preside over the first session of the newly-elected Lok Sabha, after the Speaker of the previous Lok Sabha vacates office. The President administers the oath to the Speaker Pro Tem, who is usually the seniormost member of the House. The Speaker Pro Tem has the responsibility to swear in the newly elected members and facilitate the election of the new Speaker. Once the new Speaker is elected, the role of the Speaker Pro Tem concludes.
Where are the maximum numbers of major ports located in India?
What is the minimum age for employment of children in a factory under the Factories Act 1948?
ISRO in August 2016 successfully test launched Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (Scramjet) Engine. Which of the following statements with regard to Scramje...
What are the variables affected by the passage of light waves from air to glass?
The pluralistic approach suggests that conflict between management and workers:
The SHUNYA team earned the second position in the Solar Decathlon Build Challenge held in the US, it belongs to which of the Indian Institute of Technol...
Satellites used for telecommunication relay are kept in a geostationary orbit. A satellite is said to be in such an orbit when:
1. The orbit is g...
The Treaty of Yandaboo was signed between the British and _____________
Which one of the following statements about Trial Balance is correct?
As per the Monetary Policy Framework Agreement signed between the Government of India and the Reserve bank of India in 2015, what is the primary objecti...