The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will conduct five-city trials of a new polymer-based Rs. 10 banknotes, the government said in Parliament, declaring a move to introduce plastic money to fight counterfeiting and reduce wear and tear. Plastic notes were first adopted by Australia in 1988 and are now used in more than 20 countries. These are smaller and stronger than cotton-based paper notes, with more security features that make them harder to counterfeit. A billion 10-rupee plastic notes would be introduced for field trials in five cities - Kochi, Mysore, Jaipur, Shimla and Bhubaneswar
25.22% of (59.9 × 4.01) + 69.97 =?
(11.11 × 31.98) + 14.15% of 749.99 = ? + 124.34
√1024.21 × √624.89 ÷ 4.98 + 11.99 × 4.01 = ?
14.232 + 24.98% of 679.99 = ? × 5.99
Solve the following expression and calculate the approximate value.
398% of 388 + 129% of 323.89 – 430.93
12.03 x 4.21 +19.95% of 300.05 = ?
P spends 20% of his monthly income in travelling. He spends 25% of his monthly income on household expenses and spends 15% of his monthly income on fami...
? 3 + 95.06 X 39.87 ÷ 5.03 = 1271.89
16.11 × 9.96 – (238.19 – 64.04 × 2.18) = ?