Stratigraphy primarily deals with the study of layered sedimentary rocks (called strata) but may also include layered igneous rocks. Layered rocks may result from successive lava flows or from the formation of extrusive igneous rocks.
Pulsation theory in plants was proposed by
In the context of poultry, which breed is known for its high egg production, making it the most prolific egg-producing breed in the world?
Which of the following is an example of sorosis type of fruit
Fertilizer are the nutrient supplements which promotes growth and development of the crop. Maximum N content found in N fertilizer
Storage life of vegetables increased by the use of GA spray at harvesting time. What should be the dose of GA?
Apis mellifera produces:
Which of the following not belong to Post harvest handling of seed crop?
The word ‘market’ comes from which language?
ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research is situated at
Brays No. 1 reagent consists of mixture of