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The correct answer is C
____ lives on the bottommost floor.
Which of the following boxes is kept on shelf six?
Who among the following person who teaches Sanskrit?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
Seven persons Vipin, Ashish, Kamran, Dev, Kamal, Luv and Payal are sitting in...
How many candidates take exam between the exam of A and N?
How many boxes are kept below of box R?
How many floors are there in between the floor of the one who likes Yellow and the one who lives at floor 8th?
Who among the following person stays on flat no. 2 of floor no. 5?
Five persons, P, Q, R, S and T live on different floors of a five floor building such that bottommost floor is numbered as 1 and the topmost floor is nu...
Statements: N ≥ Y ≥ C > W ≤ H = Z > L > V < O
I: H > V
II: W ≤ N