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Infrared rays were discovered in 1800 by William Herschel, a British astronomer and composer. He identified these rays while exploring the spectrum beyond the red part of visible light, revealing a type of radiation that is invisible to the eye but detectable as heat.
Choke throat in banana is due to _____
Which plant hormone is primarily responsible for apical dominance, stimulating cell elongation and growth, particularly in stems and young leaves?
The date palm is commercially propagated through :
Pusa Pragati is an important variety of
Which of the following is considered as the rich source of riboflavin?
At which stage does a seed reach its peak dry weight and possess the highest germination potential and vigor?
L-49 also known as Sardar is a selection from which variety of guava?
What is the reason behind cell elongation in internodal regions of plants?
Most abundant and basic Auxin is _________
Seeds are sown immediately after extraction in which fruit