Rifting, the process of tectonic plates pulling apart, primarily occurs at divergent boundaries, where it can form significant rift valleys either on land or under the sea.
If any loss is caused to the beneficial owner due to the negligence of the depository or the participant.
If for a period of ___________ , a member of a house of the legislature of a State, without permission of the house, is absent from all meetings thereo...
Which section of the Companies Act delas with the provisions relating to the prohibition on issue of shares at discount?
An internal aid that may be added to include something within a Section or to exclude something from it is known as ___________.
Where a depository fails to conduct its business with its participants or any issuer or its agent or any person associated with the securities markets ...
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board shall consist of _______________, out of which at least one director shall be an independent ...
Who can allow apprentices and other trainees, not below sixteen years of age, to work in a mine under proper supervision, as per Code 70 (2) of
As per the Legal Services Authority Act the term case means______________
Which of the following is NOT a general exception under chapter 4 of IPC?
According to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, which of the following is a ground for challenging the validity of an arbitral award?