Hans Berger, a German psychiatrist, made a groundbreaking discovery with the development of electroencephalography in 1929. This technique, which records electrical activity in the brain, has become crucial in diagnosing and understanding neurological conditions.
Wh at is India's rank in the global groundnut production?
In Soil Science “Micelle” stands for
Under e NAM financial assistance will be provided to State/UT for selected APMCs/RMCs up to a maximum of Rs. ____ lakh per mandi, for purchase of hard...
Sterols which is less prevalent in plants
Recovery phase or transplanting shock of transplanted rice is around _________ from the date of transplanting:
Plant growth regulator used for fruit thinning
Number of land capability class as per Soil Survey of India is:
Which state contributed the highest share to India’s total meat production during 2023-24?
The optimum number of flash cards is:
Days required for rice seedlings to transplant under dapog nursery is