Open Unemployment a situation where a large section of the labour force does not get a job that may yield them regular income. Underemployment is a situation in which a worker is employed, but his or her work hours and/or wages have been reduced other than at the worker's request Disguised unemployment exists where part of the labor force is either left without work or is working in a redundant manner where worker productivity is essentially zero
154 165 143 175 132 187
...98, 128, 162, 200, 244, 288
1034, 2364, 4091, 6257, 9030, 12404
4, 8, 24, 96, 485, 2880, 20160
120, 136, 111, 147, 93, 162, 81
5, 6, 8, 16, 38, 158
100, 164, 740, 3044, 9444, 20320
30, 42, 48, 54, 65, 81, 126
There are two wrong number series given in question and three relationships has been derived from that you have to answer the correct relationship betwe...
11 9 20 18 37 36