Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil a 216-foot statue of Ramanujacharya, described as the 'Statue of Equality’ in Hyderabad in February. He was the 11th-century saint and social reformer. The statue will be located in a 45-acre complex at Shamshabad on the outskirts of the city. The ₹1,000-crore project was funded entirely by donations from devotees globally. The inner sanctorum deity of Ramanujacharya is made of 120 kg of gold to commemorate the 120 years the saint walked this earth. The statue is made of 'panchaloha', a mix of five metals - gold, silver, copper, brass and zinc. About Ramanujacharya: Born in 1017 at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu, Ramanujacharya liberated millions from social, cultural, gender, educational, and economic discrimination with the foundational conviction that every human is equal regardless of nationality, gender, race, caste, or creed. He opened the doors of temples to all people, including those subjected to extreme discrimination. He remains an icon of equality for social reformists around the world.
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(II) Lakshadweep is the mos...
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